High Quality Carpet Cleaners in Oxford

Your Carpet Cleaning in Oxford

We are an experienced and professional carpet cleaning service offering a high quality, deep carpet cleaning in Oxford and surrounding areas.We have an outstanding reputation for delivering the best carpet, upholstery and rug cleaning at the most affordable prices.

Why Chose Us?

  • Friendly Customer Service
  • High Quality Deep Clean
  • Outstanding Customer Reviews
  • Years of Experience
  • ​Affordable Price

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01865 954045

In addition to carpet cleaning, we also offer upholstery cleaning and rug cleaning.

​We like to think we stand out from other carpet cleaning companies by focusing on customer service, and we are 100% committed to ensuring that you are happy with your carpet clean. 

We know that you take pride in your carpets, and we want to help you ensure they remain in the best possible condition, all year round.

​We also believe we  offer the most competitive carpet cleaning prices in Oxfordshire and are a lot cheaper than some of the other larger franchise cleaning services in the area.
If you’re looking for the best carpet cleaner, then we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to give us a call for a free quote.

Why Use a Professional Carpet Cleaning Service?

At Carpet Cleaning Oxford, we encourage all homeowners to get their carpets cleaned at least once every 12 months by a professional carpet cleaning company.

​We believe this is the best way to ensure they last as long as possible and maintain their quality for many years to come. After all, you’ve more than likely spent a significant amount on your carpets as an investment in your home, and it is far more cost effective to get them cleaned annually than having to replace them every few years instead.

If your carpets have any stain marks on them, this will be another great reason to use a carpet cleaning service. If left for too long, these stains will set into the fibres of the carpets and become difficult to remove. Cleaning your carpets once a year, will make sure all marks are removed and the fibres are restored to their original state.

Moisture and bad odour is another side effect of not having your carpets cleaned regularly. With consistent foot traffic over a prolonged period of time, you will find that the carpet fibres become soaked in moisture, leading to bad smell and even the development of bacteria when left untreated. 
Along with untreated stains, these factors compound over time to make your carpets appear run down and worn out.

Thankfully, all of these issues can be avoided by ensuring that you use a professional carpet cleaning service at least once a year, and that’s where our team of expert carpet cleaners can help.

Our Carpet Cleaning Reviews

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01865 954045
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Our Carpet Cleaning Process

Once you request a free quote from us, we’ll be sure to get back to you immediately. If you’re happy with our the price we’ve quoted you for your carpet clean, we’ll then get a date booked in with you when you’re available for us to do the clean.

We’re pleased to say that the cleaning process should only take an hour or two, depending on how many carpets require cleaning. Once we finish you’ll find that the drying process starts immediately and before you know it you’ll be walking on your sparkling clean carpets again. You are not required to move your furniture out the room before we come round as we split the room into sections, moving the furniture into one section while cleaning the other then moving them back to the already cleaned section, making the process easier for you. 

Removing Stains and Marks – One of the first steps in our cleaning process is to do a thorough inspection of all the marks and stains on your carpets, and then ensure that we apply the correct cleaning aids to them.

Merging in the Chemicals – We then work the safe chemicals into the stains and marks to start the dirt removal process. This is a key part of the cleaning process and ensures that all the mud and grime is loosened from the carpet fibres for extraction.

The Extraction Process – Our extraction process involves applying hot water to the carpet and then suctioning up the water, dirt and grime from the fibres. Our state of the art machinery ensures that all the bacteria and moisture is also removed and that your carpets are left looking as good as new. In our opinion, this is the key element of our service, and the big difference between hiring a professional carpet cleaning services, as opposed to trying to do the clean yourself without the right machinery.

For us, this is the part of the clean that makes all the difference, and will really get your carpets looking their best again. In our opinion, this is where hiring a professional cleaning service is well worth the investment, as the quality of clean you will get simply can’t be matched when done with standard home cleaning equipment.

For this reason, we strongly advise our customers to make use of a professional carpet cleaning service ideally once a year, and we’d be delighted to help you with any clean you may require. 

All our machinery is of the highest quality, meaning that dirt, grime and any marks will be blasted out of your carpets in no time at all.